Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology at the University of Humanities and Economics in Łódź. Teacher, trainer with twenty years of experience in social pathology and prevention of risky behaviour in school environment.
The author of publications devoted to bullying, psychological violence and school prevention models.
An expert and researcher in european projects.
- Youth Subcultures
Subject devoted to the analysis of youth subcultures in terms of sociology and psychology. We will focus on the phenomenon of destructive sects and discover the psychological mechanisms of toxic manipulation in destructive cults. We will work on a model of preventive actions that will enable effective coping with the situations of sects phishing.
- Social Prevention
Subject devoted to the psychological analysis of selected risky behaviors (e.g.bullying, psychological violence, behavioral addictions). You will be also introduced to modern approaches of prevention (e.g positive prevention). During social prevention classes you will also have the opportunity to participate in study visits in Polish schools and work with pupils.

A graduate of the Faculty of Visual Education at the Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz, doctor of pedagogy, teacher in the field of pedagogy at the Academy of Humanities and Economics in Lodz. She conducts classes in the field of pedagogy and didactics of creativity, art education, art therapy, sociology of education, workshops aimed at the creative activation of children, adolescents, adults and the elderly, as well as workshops on biography. Responsible for conducting training in the project method for the teaching staff of AHE. Author of the book “Life beyond Scheme - Analysis of the Authors' Biographies”, co-author of “Autobiography as a Creative Challenge - scenarios for biographical workshops” and “Try Differently. Scenarios of activities developing creative skills”. She is interested in the issues of creativity in the aspect of human autobiographical experiences and innovative educational methods supporting comprehensive human development at various stages of life - also in adulthood and old age. Besides, she is an active participant in many international projects. She loves contact with nature, books, photography, art and Indian cinema.
- Didactics of Creativity
The main goal of the subject is to introduce students into practical aspects of stimulating creative thinking and creative attitudes of pupils. During classes students are using innovative tools, techniques and methods of creative work and preparing own projects for implementation creativity into pedagogical and educational situations. Students learn about methods of didactics of creativity such as: learning through art, divergent and convergent thinking in the process of creativity, out-of-the-box thinking and its stimulation, brainstorming, mind mapping, effective problem solving, associations in creative process, storytelling and the role of metaphor and analogy in developing creative skills.
- Psychopedagogy of Creativity
The main goal of the subject is to introduce students to the basic pedagogical and psychological knowledge about creativity and the conditions of the development of creative abilities of children, adolescents and adults. Lecture are subordinated to the four dimensions perception of creativity and modern theories of creativity. Classes take the form of a workshop supporting the creative development of students. They allow for the development of communication in a group, recognizing the features of creative people, self-knowledge, planning the path of development as well as discovering and expanding one's own passion, developing own creative potential.

Kamila Witerska, PhD - Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology at the University of Humanities and Economics in Łódź. She obtained a doctorate in humanities in the field of pedagogy at the Pedagogical Faculty of the University of Warsaw. She is interested in drama, stimulating motivation and creative thinking, and supporting development. The author of the concept of performative education. He has 20 years of experience in drama working with children, teenagers and adults. Author of numerous publications on drama and other methods that fit into the model of performative education. The latest publication is Process Drama in Working with Children in Kindergarten and Grades I-III (2020).
- Methods of activation in early childhood education
Early childhood education and methods of child’s activation using movement, sensory integration,arts, creativity, etc. During the course students visit the Montessori Kindergarten. They explore the Montessori environment and learn in practice.
- Drama Education
The course is addressed to students of education, teacher studies and concerns the use of drama and theatrical techniques in education and human development.
The following topics are raised during the course:
- What is drama – definition, main features, different types of drama;
- Drama conventions and strategies in human developement and education;
- Models of drama – conventional drama, process drama, Forum theatre, theatre of sound;
- Drama in group buidling;
- Drama in early education;
- Drama in supporting developement of children and adults;
- Forum Theatre as the method of working with societies and problem solving.
- Working with gifted children
Abilities are called individual human potential and it is this potential that we try to discover and strengthen in working with children. During the work in this subject students learn how to identify and develop children’s skills and abilities. We discuss different strategies and methods of education of gifted children.
Students design and carry out in practice activities with children aimed at recognizing and developing their abilities. The idea of the subject is the assumption that the abilities and interests of children should form the basis of all education